28 April 2012

things that make me go ~doki~doki~

top 5 things that make me go "damn, that's hot" / "aaahhh...sooo cute" / "ooohhh...yeah" and other similar sayings..-wink-...well, basically those that get my heart thumping fast...it'll go ~doki~doki~
(and I don't mean just stuff or items...I also meant people, animal, happenings, anime and others... ;p ...)

1.     bad but romantic characters...with husky voices and gorgeous everything...for example, Chuck Bass and Damon Salvatore...they are the chara that always want to interfere or plot against others...but once they fell in love...damn...cutest, most romantic thing ever.!.-drool-
2.     cute manga and anime characters...in manga; Conan-chan and Nel Tu...in anime; Pikachu and Togepi...I'll go all gooey on them when the little ones cry and laugh...hehe
3.     hot and dark looking manga and anime characters...too many to name...but basically those lead chara that have a dark aura around them and they rarely laugh and smile...
4.     cute innocent looking girls...especially those that have the punk-ish, rock-ish, emo-ish look on them...and if they happen to talk with British accent...that will be waaayyy better...
5.     two very attractive people making out...in the series or movies that I like to watch...girls with guys or girls with girls...-wink-wink-...nuff' said...


miss clumsyanna said...

sayid gatal~

Sayid Ann Ima said...

saya mmg gatal