i cant believe my energy level was so high
but then again
i'd once on9 4 3 days straight...tihihi...
well, i woke up at 0730 n went 2 work at 0900 on tuesday
i was intending 2 go 2 lissa's house 4 da bbq party n really hope my fam cud come 2
but alas...since my bro was still sick...i went there by train around 1850...
about 2 hours of train ride...i arrived at seremban's comuter station n lissa picked me up
she was wit her nue beau...-wink-
since there was no1 i knew except her fam n sm of her friends...so, i just talk wit her bro n beau...hahaha
n then i slept about 0130
i was supposed 2 wake up at 0600 coz i had work...but suddenly i decided 2 try 2 feel how ditching felt like
it was awesome!!!...hahaha
i went out 2 br8fast wit uncle, aunty n lissa...
n then we went home briefly n out again 2 take her boy 2 da clinic
after dat, we decided 2 watch resident evil
it was gr8...but i wanna watch it again...n diz time, in 3D... X)
on da way home...i slept the entire way from seremban's station 2 kl central's
n after missing 2 trains, i was able 2 get on da train n finally...
im HOME...woohoo!!!
n im still up
smtms...i amaze myself...hahaha
peace out
ps:...t-x so much, lissa...i had a gr8 time...luv ya...