29 March 2011

HIV/AIDS Awareness Fun-Run (27032011)

on sunday,

i participated in a HIV/AIDS Awareness campaign by running

there were 3 categories; fun-run (3.5km), women (5km) b men (7km)

i took part in the fun-run with afiq, anot, farhan n ali

since it was open to all n not a competition as the other 2

there was also stuff about recycling 2 help mother earth

its kinda a charity event

we had a good time doing the activities and running

but anot n me, we spent more time taking pics than running....hehehe...

we got a lot of freebies from a lot of companies

after that, we went 2 eat at da cafe with far, eyla n hamzi

well, let us all just hope

this will contibute 2 HIV/AIDS infected people n the environment


dont look our age much...hoho

lovely friends

on top of the world

away from the crowd


p/s:...i didnt like capitalism propaganda much...-wink-

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