b4 we went 2 da grad ceremony, we went 4 a lil bit of sight seeing at an old fortress near pasar payang...but i cant rmmbr da exact name...tihihi...after dat we went 2 pasar payang n adam got 2 buy key chains 4 sm of his friends...only he prnnce it 'kin-cir'...hahaha...

at hotel seri m'sia

at da top of da fortress

i almost arrived l8 4 da grad ceremony...but all in all...i was ok...lolz...lissa, bless her heart already ave my robe ready...after some bustle putting da damn thing on, i was ready...kinda...
but i was already getting sleepy n seemed 2 need 2 o 2 da toilet...haha...da ceremony was ok...not as draggy as i thought...n i got 2 take pics wit my friends...using their cams n hps of course...since my bat3 was dead...MISS U GUYS SO MUCH!!!
wit him (hearts) after da ceremony n while waiting 4 my fam
wit mommy n ayah...t-x a lot u guys...
congratulations sis!
moga lebih berjaya after tis :)
4 sure...haha...t-x... X)
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